Recognition Process

The first step is to enroll in the online course. Everyone must go through the online course before starting the recognition process. Through the Learning Networks of Ontario you can become recognized as a Clear Writing

  • Editor
  • Facilitator
  • Consultant (both editor and facilitator)

Your recognition is valid for 3 years.  You’ll be given a maintenance chart to track your Clear Writing activity.  At the end of the term you submit this to be recognized for another term.

Why Should I Go Through the Recognition Process?

Being recognized through the Learning Networks of Ontario (LNO) increases your professional profile.  It allows you to be listed as a Clear Writing Provider on the LNO website. You’ll have

  • skills to provide consistent delivery of training across Ontario
  • guidelines to follow
  • access to a support system
  • mentors to guide you
  • credentials to increase your employability

How it Works

Once you pass the course and apply for the recognition process, you’ll be matched with a mentor.  Your mentor will be a recognized Clear Writing Editor or Consultant.  Together, you’ll plan and complete a training plan to hone your Clear Writing skills.

The editor training plan includes auditing and rewriting

  • 2 shorter documents (1-2 pages)
  • a pamphlet
  • a letter
  • a longer document (3+ pages)

You’ll also complete an organizational audit with a community organization or business.

The facilitator training plan includes

  • attending and reviewing a Clear Writing workshop facilitated by your mentor
  • developing a Clear Writing workshop from existing resources (shared by your mentor)
  • presenting a Clear Writing workshop to your mentor
  • presenting a Clear Writing workshop to an audience

Once you’ve completed your training plan, your mentor will send it to the Clear Writing Steering Committee.  They’ll include their recommendation for you to become recognized.  The committee will review the training plan.  They’ll either approve your request or ask for additional information or documents.

If you’d like to become a Clear Writing consultant (both editing and facilitating), you’ll complete the editor training plan first.  Then, you’ll move on to complete the facilitator training plan.  Once you’ve successfully completed both, you’ll be recognized as a Clear Writing Consultant through the Learning Networks of Ontario.


Editor Recognition – $100

Editor and Facilitator (Consultant) Recognition – $150


For more information and to apply, contact the Lead Organization

Adult Basic Education Association
