Instructional Resources

Resources are submitted by individual Learning Networks across the province.

A3 and the Employment Path – Instructor Manual and the Learner’s Workbook, 2015
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
The Instructor Manual and Learner’s Workbook was created for the OALCF Competency of A3 (Extract info from films, broadcasts and presentations) which also includes 25 related Task Sets. The focus is employment to help learners transition to Employment Services and the workplace. Learners can use the workbook independently or it can be used in a class or small group setting.

Adding to My Skills, 2011
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
This is a Numeracy Curriculum for learners at Essential Skills Levels 1 and 2.  Its main focus is to use real life numeracy activities as a starting point in order to develop skills required in the workplace.  The curriculum is set up for a six week class, three days per week, at three hours per day, but was also field-tested as a stand-alone document for each class.  The learning is also supplemented with many on-line sites and the learning is enhanced through using the LearningHub with learners.  The LearningHub is familiar with the curriculum and has set up specific learning to assist with individuals going through the various activities. (Free download)

Apprenticeship Live Binder (2017)
Literacy Link South Central
Online resource of various apprenticeship resources with links.

Assessment and Referral Guide for Northwestern Ontario Employment Ontario Partners (2012)
Literacy Northwest

Bridging the Employment Gap (2009)
Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network
This is a series of workforce literacy curricula in five occupational categories – Clerical, Retail, Grounds Maintenance, Janitorial and Kitchen Help – with a sixth manual called Ready for Work that focuses on “soft skills” needed by all employees. The curricula were designed to help people at Essential Skills Level 1 to upgrade their literacy, numeracy and other essential skills in an entry-level occupation context.

Common Assessment for the OALCF Goal Paths Resource Package (2014)
Literacy Northwest

Community Works Handbook (2008)
Rideau-Ottawa Valley Learning Network | Réseau d’apprentissage de la Valée Rideau-Ottawa (ROVLN | RAVRO)

With our partners ALSO and Heartwood House we developed an innovative model of supported volunteering that provides training in transferable essential skills for learners who are marginalized and/or disadvantaged by a variety of barriers and challenges.  We invite you to have a look and download material at no cost, whenever you need it.

Connecting Literacy and Employment through Essential Skills (2011)
Literacy Link South Central
Seven workbooks that embed Essential Skills activities within employment-readiness tasks. With these workbooks, literacy programs and employment programs can provide clients with employability skills and literacy/Essential Skills simultaneously.

Diabetes Essential Skills Kit (D.E.S.K.) – Learning Modules and Essential Skills Profiles (2013)
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
The D.E.S.K. Learning Modules contains 12 learning modules that address 6 common barriers to a patient’s independent diabetes self-management.

Easing Transitions/Supporting Transitions (2015)
Literacy Link Niagara
In the second phase of the project, we worked with partners to develop tools to help learners transition from LBS to Employment and vice versa.

Easing transitions report

Supporting transitions report

EmployAbility Success! (2014)
QUILL Adult Learning Network
With EmployAbility Success! students are able to read about workers in four different entry level jobs and practice the Reading, Document Use and Numeracy skills that are needed for many of their job tasks.

Essential Skills for Personal Success
Literacy Network Northeast

Family Literacy Resources
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
Get Set Learn Afterschool Guide, 2012
Let’s Play Literacy! 1997
Literacy is a Family Affair, 2003
Get Set Learn! A Case Study of a Family Literacy Program in Waterloo Region, 2006
Get Set Learn: Everything You Need to Run a Family Literacy Program

Financial Literacy Workshops (2014-2015)
Adult Basic Education Association
The Adult Basic Education Association (ABEA) has released 3 financial literacy modules. These modules are free to use for community practitioners for a wide range of audiences. All materials are available in English and French. Click here for a link to all materials.

Gamification (2014)
Literacy Link South Central
Gamification, a technique based in part on introducing game play elements to non-game settings, is becoming a key technique used to engage learners in their education. Through Literacy Link South Central’s recent Job Creation Partnership project, a study of the history, impact and execution of gamification principles in adult education was completed, and we’re pleased to share several resources with you as a result.

Getting the Job Done – Preparing to Write the Certificate of Qualification (CofQ) Examination in Ontario, 2015
Mid North Network 
English – Automotive Service Technician, Construction and Maintenance Electrician, General Carpenter, Industrial Mechanic-Millwright, Plumber
French – Charpentier-MenuisierÉlectricien bâtiment / entretienMécanicien industriel de chantierPlombier
Technicien de véhicules automobiles

Beginner’s Guide for Program Coordinators



Getting to Know the Library in ASL
Ottawa Community Coalition for Literacy
A manual developed by the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) in partnership with the Ottawa Community Coalition for Literacy. The manual is designed to introduce adult learners (literacy, ESL/FSL) to the resources and services of the library and to help learners feel more at ease when dealing with the library.

Goal Path Summaries (2017)
Literacy Link Eastern Ontario
The OALCF Goal Paths have been summarized for ease of use.  The apprenticeship goal path has been split into 2 documents (Skills Training and Apprenticeship).

Apprenticeship Goal Path Summary
Employment Goal Path Summary
Independence Goal Path Summary
Post-secondary Goal Path Summary
Secondary School Credit Goal Path Summary
Skills Training Goal Path Summary

Learning With Swagger (2013)
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
This resource is available with necessary qualifications or training. This soft-skills assessment tool will help you to

  • assess the various soft skills of your learners/clients, including self-confidence
  • apply strategies to help your learners/clients increase their soft skills and potential literacy levels or employment readiness
  • learn some strategies that can be applied in employment/literacy workshops/class rooms to help increase learner/client’s soft skills

Learning to Earning Videos (2015)
Tri-County Literacy Network
This Employment Ontario project is funded by the Ontario government. The purpose of the project was to develop videos to showcase how and why adult upgrading can be part of one’s future success.

Literacy Programming and Outreach for Young Single Males on Ontario Works (2013)
Literacy Link South Central
This project, which ended March 31, 2013, developed and piloted literacy curriculum for single males on Ontario Works (OW) who are between the ages of 18 and 29. It’s important to engage this group of individuals because although they are young, they are forming a significant portion of those OW clients who have been on the caseload for longer than 12 months. Through this project we talked to young single males on OW to find out what they want from literacy programming – both in terms of content and delivery method – and then developed and piloted programming for this population.

Maker Modules (2015)
Literacy Link South Central
Literacy Link South Central has created 12 curriculum modules related to the Maker Movement, which are focused on innovative technology and hands-on experimentation. These “Maker Modules” were prepared for the Literacy Link South Central project “Using Technology to Facilitate Connections between Literacy and the Broader Community” (2014). In addition to promotional material, generic pre-visit activities to help set the stage for learning and evaluations. There are 12 Maker Modules available in this series on topics from Augmented Reality to 3D printing.

Our Choice, Your Future – Employment Video Series (2014-2015)
Adult Basic Education Association
The Adult Basic Education Association (ABEA), in partnership with Workforce Planning Hamilton (WPH) has released 5 employment videos with support materials targeted to youth exploring their career options. You may find the videos can be used with many different audiences. All materials are available in English and French. Click here to link to all videos and support materials.

Recognizing Life’s Work (2014)
QUILL Adult Learning Network
This project highlights the Essential Skills (ES) developed and strengthened through 12 different common leisure and home-based-activities.

Soft Skills and Literacy and Basic Skills (2018) (pdf file for download)
Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs have always integrated soft skills into learner plans. However, with the growing interest around soft skills, it might be time to make LBS’ role in developing soft skills more explicit.
This resource is a step in that direction. We have put it together to

  • assist LBS programs in documenting what they already do to increase learners’ soft skills
  • identify community partnerships that show some good practices related to soft skill development
  • provide some resources to LBS programs that may want to increase their soft skill programming

Soft Skills Resources Website (2018)
The above learning networks have created this site to host resources to build the soft skills of our learners.
We have put it together to
– assist Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs in documenting what they already do to increase learners’ soft skills
– identify community partnerships that show some good practices related to soft skill development
– provide some resources to LBS programs that may want to increase their soft skills programming

Speaking the Language: Working Effectively with Clients/Learners at Lower Levels (2017)
Northern Literacy Networks
Webinar Recording (mp4)
Presentation (pdf)

Spotlight on Change: An Essential Skills Upgrading Program for Women over 40 (English/French) (2010)
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
This Essential Skills training program is for women aged forty plus who are seeking employment. It has been field-tested in British Columbia and Ontario and it has been proven effective.

Task-Based Activities for LBS

This portal is a collection of activities aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) and organized by stream, goal path and level. This fully searchable database provides task-based activities (available in Microsoft Word and PDF) to help you support your students in achieving their goals.

Targeted Training in Ontario through LBS (2019)
Compiled by Adult Basic Education Association on behalf of the Learning Networks of Ontario
Targeted training refers to any specific, short term training.  For example, 6 weeks of apprenticeship math, 3 months of soft skills training etc.  Targeted training may be for specific audiences, for example, OW, youth, or older workers. Use this list to get information about training developed by agencies across the province. Connect with the developers for more details.

Trading Up: Getting Ready for a Hairstyling or Electrical Apprenticeship Program (2002)
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
Trading Up contains assessment demonstrations for each of these trades in all domains at all five levels of the Literacy & Basic Skills Matrix. It is an excellent tool for determining the skill levels of adults interested in these trades. It can be used as an initial or ongoing assessment (learning progress) tool.

Understanding the Difference Between Task-Based and Skills-Based Assessment (2017)
Literacy Network Northeast
Webinar recording (mp4)

Upgrading Skills for Laid Off Workers (2010)
QUILL Adult Learning Network
YouTube Video – This video was produced to increase awareness of the role that adult learning programs can play in labour adjustment situations. The video depicts the heartfelt emotions of displaced workers, the potential for success within an upgrading program, and partnerships between LBS programs and Action Centres.

Using Gamification in LBS and Beyond Research Report and French language Executive Summary: Sommaire exécutif La ludification dans le programme AFB et au-delà (2017)
Contact North
English Language Report
French Language Executive Summary

Working Together (English and French)
Ottawa Community Coalition for Literacy
This pamphlet is intended to help anyone who may be thinking of referring a client to one of Ottawa’s Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs or to an ACE (Academic and Career Entrance) program.

Working Together, Working Well (2005)
Project READ Literacy Network of Waterloo/Wellington
This facilitator’s manual contains over 25 activities to develop an individual’s teamwork skills. It includes facilitator’s notes and handouts. All activities are linked LBS and Essential Skills levels.

Yes I Can – A Mental Health Guide for Adult Literacy Facilitators (2017)
Project READ Literacy Network Waterloo-Wellington
This guide provides information and strategies for supporting adult learners living with mental health conditions or disorders. Also available

  • Webinar Recording for “Yes I Can – A Mental Health Guide for Adult Literacy Facilitators” – this webinar recording offers more information about the Mental Health Guide resource and how to use it in the learning environment
  • Q & A Chat Summary from Mental Health Guide webinars – This Q&A – Chat Summary provides a summary of the questions and answers that were discussed during the Mental Health Guide webinars